Hey there!

I'm José Camacho.

I'm an Information Systems and Computer Engineer who loves Space Technology, Modern Agriculture, cats and Port wine.


I'm José Miguel Nobre de Brito Camacho, born in 1993 in Portugal. I was raised in the beautiful village of Jungeiros, Aljustrel, Portugal, but I'm currently living in the city of Lisbon, Portugal.

At the entry of the Millennium I was an introvert child, raised by a family of farmers and a teacher mother, I had access to a personal computer several years early than my friends. Since early, my passion for computers was immense, and everything computer and space related would catch my attention.

Years past, when I moved to high school I turned into an extrovert person who loves to listen to people and discuss about science, politics, economics. On college it showed up my interest for food, wine and agriculture.


In the year 2006 I joined the local folklore group Rancho Folclórico Verdes Campos de Jungeiros as a dancer, a hobby that I still have today. With the group I was able to visit and perform in several towns and villages of Portugal, and I still consider this group my second family.

As a hobby I maintain a fruit tree orchard with more than 30 fruit varieties, from fig trees to pomegranates, which both are at the top of my favorite fruits. The orchard is my place to go when I need some time to relax and relieve stress.

Other Activities

In July 2014 and 2015 I've monitored a one week Summer Camp, CampusFrassi.net where I was leading a group of 15 to 17 years old teenagers.

In 2014, from March to June I worked as a volunteer at Banco de Bens Doados helping the full time volunteers sort clothes and clean the building.


Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa

Master's of Science, Information Systems and Computer Engineering

Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa

Bachelor's of Science, Information Systems and Computer Engineering



Programming Languages


J. B. Camacho, M. L. Pardal, A. R. Cunha, "Agricultura de Precisão com sensores e tecnologias da Internet das Coisas" communication and poster - INForum 2016

Download my CV


Personal email

josemnbcamacho [at] gmail.com

Institutional email

jose.camacho [at] tecnico.ulisboa.pt
